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The Faculty of Industrial and Technological Education is conducting a seminar project on networking guidance counselors to establish a process for admitting new students for the fiscal year 2023.

On June 20, 2023
the Faculty of Industrial and Technological Education, RUTS, conducted a seminar project on networking guidance counselors with the objective of establishing a mechanism for the admission process of new students for the fiscal year 2566. The project aimed to create a network of guidance counselors and organize exchange activities to facilitate the admission process for new students using an aggressive approach. On Day 2 of the project, the counseling team from the Faculty of Industrial and Technological Education and the Student Club of the Faculty of Industrial and Technological Education provided educational guidance to students in grade 12, vocational certificate level, and diploma level. The purpose was to introduce the faculty and its various courses, as well as to engage in activities and distribute souvenirs at Ammatpanitnukul School, Krabi Technical College, and Phanom Benja School.