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The Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology organizes a program of educational activities in the field of industry and technology for secondary school students.

On October 1, 2023

the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology organized an educational activity program in the field of industry and technology for secondary school students. The program was inaugurated by Asst. Prof. Jaran Tamjai, Head of the Industrial Technology Department, at the Faculty of Industrial Education and Technology

The purpose of this educational activity program in the field of industry and technology for secondary school students was to provide participants with knowledge and practical experience in industrial and technological laboratories. This program welcomed fourth-year high school students from Benjamarachutit School in Pattani Province. These students participated in all four learning bases, including basic machining, basic electrical wiring, mass media communication basics, and internal electrical work within the building. The aim was to equip students with knowledge that they can apply both in their studies and daily lives, serving as inspiration for further education at the higher educational level.